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Skymning i Sätra 18:35

Choreographed walk
40 min
Sätra Naturreservat

Collaboration between Filippa Edholm och Linnea Jardemark
Host: Kajko Konstfestival

Väderhatt, Vindriktning, Tystnad, Saga.
Skymning i Sätra 18:35 is a choreographed walk in Sätraskogens Naturreservat. The walk starts at 18:35 which is the time for sunset, and continues into the twilight, and ends in totally darkness. During that time we stop at four different chosen sites where texts about silence, walking, storytelling and personal observations are being read loud with. The project is a collaboration between Filippa Edholm and Linnea Jardemark who also wrote the texts. Their method of writing have been trough walking in the twilight and collective associations from the starting point of this specifik place. The walk took place during the festival Kajko in september 2020.

Publicerat iAudioguides & Walks